antisnatchor & h0wl presents
WarCon 2016
[+]Date: 3/4 June 2016 (Starts 10:00 AM) [+]Location: Warsaw, Poland
- Arrigo Triulzi => ["TBA: Trinity, Baneberry, Amchitka" on the beginnings, leaks and folly]
- Mateusz "j00ru" Jurczyk, @j00ru => [Effective file format fuzzing - thoughts, techniques and results]
- joernchen => [German Sparkle Party]
- Nicolas Grégoire => [Something Evil about XML]
- George Nicolau => [Deception, Annoyance Baiting and Trapping and Attribution Linux Distribution]
- Mario Heiderich => [My Sweet Innocence Exposed - Eleven Reasons why we will all miss you, "e"]
- Johannes Dahse (@FluxReiners) => [Bughunting with Static Code Analysis]
- shm as @akat1_pl => [Fuzz you, fuzz me, fuzz it for always... That's the way it should be. - Lib-onel Richie on finding bugs in libraries]
- Piotr Duszynski => [On-demand fast and anonymous communication channels]]
- Jurriaan Bremer => [Popping the Reverse Engineer 101]
- Felix Wilhelm => [Breaking Next-Generation Firewalls]
- Markus Vervier (@marver) => [PUSHing Around 2FA - A Duo of Selective Denial-of-service And Authentication Bypass]