antisnatchor & h0wl presents

WarCon 2019

[+]Date: 31 May & 1 June 2019 (Starts 10:00 AM)
[+]Location: Warsaw, Poland
[+]Twitter: @WarConPL
[+]Schedule: here
  • FlUxIuS => [V2G Injector: Whispering to cars and charging units through the Power-Line]
  • Simon Scannell => [Combining WordPress 0days to hack 1 in 3 websites]
  • mak => [One code to rule them all]
  • @invictus1306 => [functrace: A quick way to analyze binaries]
  • Davide Girardi => [Your mainframe is now my router]
  • Birk Kauer => TBA
  • blasty => TBA
  • Agarri => TBA
  • Giuseppe (Ohpe) Trotta => TBA
  • Esizkur => [Look ma', no hands: Making detours less painful in the face of ever-changing firmwares]
  • Dr. ARM => [How ARM is going to make exploitation more fun]
  • TBA => TBA